ACTS (Retreat available in English & Spanish)
An ACTS retreat is a parish weekend retreat patterned after the description of the early Church in the Acts of the Apostles (ACTS 2:42-47); breaking bread together, worshipping together, receiving instruction together, sharing things in common, and reaching out in loving service. The goal of the retreat is to strengthen faith and its application in daily life, provide spiritual renewal and build lasting friendships through community and service.
For more information please contact: [email protected]
Adoration of the Sacred Sacrament
For more information about Eucharistic Adoration or to sign up for an hour, contact the coordinators at [email protected] or leave a message at 361-857-9890
Caminando con Jesús y María (Spanish Prayer Ministry)
This group is for the entire family, both adults, and children. Each meeting starts with praises, then participants break out by age groups for evangelization. Gatherings are held in Spanish.
For more information please contact: [email protected]
Devoción a la Sangre Preciosa de Jesucristo (Spanish)
Adoration of the Blassed Sacrament every Thursday from 11 pm till 3 am.
For more information please contact: [email protected]
Grief Support Ministry (English)
A grief support ministry is available for anyone who has lost a loved one. Participants will be led on a journey that encourages them to grow in faith and to deepen their spirituality through the difficult experience of grieving.
The ministry meets on the Second and Fourth Saturday of every month at 9:30 am in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Classroom which is located in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Building. This is an "open door" ministry. Registration is not required.
For more information please email Yolanda Peca at [email protected]
Apostolate of Our Lady of Guadalupe (English & Spanish)
We are dedicated to propagating the love of our Lord Jesus Christ through His mother the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe. The society promotes (1) development of Christian life in its members through prayer and hospitality, (2) love and devotion to the Virgin of Guadalupe, and (3) service to the church. For more information please contact: [email protected]
Immaculate Heart of Mary Rosary Making Guild (English)
Learn to make mission rosaries. Bring to life the new rosary you make so that every prayer said may be answered with God’s grace. Mission rosaries go to a needy mission at home or abroad & to Diocesan retreats. To give one to a fallen away Catholic in your parish would be mission work. Rediscover the Rosary in the family, sick, elderly and young people. Mary encourages us to pray the rosary for the conversion of sinners and to experience peace in our families, societies, and nations. No hands but yours. Become a Rosary Maker. Join us every 1st Saturday of the month in the Jesus Room locates in the back of the Holy Family House from 9 am to 11 am after the 8 am Mass and Rosary.
For more information please contact: [email protected]
Ladies Altar Society (English)
The Ladies of the St. Anthony's Altar Society have a devotion to our Blessed Mother and invoke her petition at all meetings. Wherever needed, they will be there. Their most important function is taking care of the altar linens, priest vestments and operate the parish gift store "Blessing and More". The Ladies Altar Society is an affiliate of both the Diocesan and the National Council of Catholic Women. All ladies of the parish are invited to become members. For more information please contact: [email protected]
Men's Fellowship of St. Anthony (English)
Men's Fellowship is an interactive, multimedia men’s program focused on the development of authentic male leadership. Following the main meeting, there is also an optional Men's Bible Study offered. For more information please contact:
Prayer & Life Workshop | Talleres de Oración de Vida
For more information please contact: [email protected]
Sick & Homebound Ministry (English & Spanish)
We serve our community by visiting and taking the Eucharist to the sick and homebound of our parish at their homes or in nursing facilities. Please contact: [email protected] for more information or to volunteer.